Anti-Mouse CD335 (NKp46) Purified
Anti-Mouse CD335 (NKp46) PurifiedThe 29A1.4 antibody specifically reacts with CD335 (NKp46), a 46kDA natural cytotoxicity receptor family molecule. It is expressed in only NK and a rare subset of NK-like…
Anti-Mouse CD335 (NKp46) PurifiedThe 29A1.4 antibody specifically reacts with CD335 (NKp46), a 46kDA natural cytotoxicity receptor family molecule. It is expressed in only NK and a rare subset of NK-like…
Anti-Mouse CD31 PurifiedThe 390 monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with mouse cd31, a 130-140 kDA type I transmembrane glycoprotein also known as platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1). CD31 is reported to…
Anti-Human CD29 (Integrin beta 1) PurifiedThe TS2/16 moncolonal antibody specifically reacts with human CD29 (Integrin beta1), a 130 kDA type I glycoprotein expressed on hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells. It forms…
Anti-Human CD3 PurifiedThe UCHT1 monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with the ε chain of the CD3/T lymphocyte antigen receptor complex. The CD3 complex contains γ, δ, and ε chains, and it…
Anti-Human CD3 PurifiedThe Hit3a monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with the ε chain of the CD3/T lymphocyte antigen receptor complex. The CD3 complex is part of the TCR complex, expressed by…
Anti-Human CD3 PurifiedThe OKT3 monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with the ε chain of the CD3/T lymphocyte antigen receptor complex. The CD3 complex contains γ, δ, and ε chains, and it…
Anti-Human CD19 SAFIRE PurifiedThe HIB19 monoclonal antibody reacts with a human 95 kDa transmembrane glycoprotein known as CD19, which is expressed by B lymphocytes during all the developmental stages, except…
Anti-Human CD161 PurifiedThe HP-3G10 monoclonal antibody specifically binds to an 80 kDa homodimer type II membrane glycoprotein from the C-type lectin superfamily, known as the human CD161 or NKR-P1A. CD161…
Anti-Human CD152 (CTLA-4) PurifiedThe BNI3 monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with human CD152, the Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Antigen 4 (CTLA-4). CTLA-4 is expressed on activated CD28+ T cells, and binds the B7…
Anti-Human CD144 (VE-Cadherin) Purified The 16B1 monoclonal antibody specifically reacts with human CD144, the 140 kDA molecule called vascular endothelial (VE-cadherin) or cadherin 5. CD144 is an endothelial specific calcium-dependent…