With regards to relative frequency.three.3 | Biofilm formationAll the isolates (100 ) had been constructive for biofilm production. Seventeen (42.5 ) isolates have been powerful biofilm producers and 14 (35 ) isolates had been moderate producers. In addition, biofilm production was weak in 9 (22.five ) isolates. The biofilm- roducer isolates p had larger levels of antibiotic resistance (Table three).three.four | ESBL and carbapenemase-related genesAmongtheESBLgenes,blaTEM, blaCTX , and blaSHV genes were optimistic in 15 (37.five ), eight (20 ), and six (15 ) isolates, respectively. MBL and Carbapenemase genes have been significantly less frequent and only blaVIM gene was present in the isolates (30 ), and blaIMP and blaNDM genes had been not detected. Additionally, blaOXA-48 and blaOXA-23 genes were identified in 7 (17.5 ) and 1 (2.five ) isolates and no isolate possessed blaOXA-11 gene (Table 4). The co-occurrence of unique kinds of -lactamase was observed in 15 isolates plus the details are shown in Table 5.three | R E S U LT S 3.1 | Isolates and drug susceptibilityPseudomonas aeruginosa isolates have been identified by various tests that integrated: Gram-negative bacilli, motile, oxidase and catalase optimistic, bluish green pigmentation, and glucose oxidizer. In this study, 40 P. aeruginosa isolates have been collected from burn wound samples of 23 male and 17 female hospitalized sufferers. The imply ageofthepatientswere26yearsand21patientshadNeckand face skin wound, 12 patients had hands and arms wound and 7 sufferers had full body wounds. The highest resistance was detected for cefotaxime, ceftazidime, meropenem, imipenem and piperacillin, and 16 (40 ) isolates had been resistant to these antibiotics. The resistance price to ciprofloxacin and gentamicin was slightly lower and 12 (30 ) isolates were resistant to them (Table 2). Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of colistin against the isolates were decrease than two g/mL,andnoresistancewasseen.Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride AccordingtotheDSTresults, isolates had been categorized to 17 MDR, 13 mono-drug resistance, and ten susceptible isolates.three.five | Virulence factorsAmongthevirulencegenes,lasB and exoA genes have been detected in 38 (95 )isolates.TheothergenesincludingplcH, exoS, and nan1 were present in 37 (92 ), 36 (90 ), and 16 (40 ) isolates, respectively. Althoughwedidnotfindanycorrelationbetweenthevirulenceand -lactamase genes, the co-existence of virulence genes (lasB, exoA, plcH, exoS, and nan1) was observed among the isolates. The algD gene was present in 17 (43 ) isolates and all of them had been robust biofilm producers.GHASEMIAN et al.5 of|TA B L E three DistributionofbiofilmformationamongP. aeruginosa isolates and correlation involving biofilm production and antibiotic resistance patterns or co-presence of virulence components.Rebamipide Antibiotic resistance phenotype Biofilm production Strong N ( ) Moderate N ( ) Weak N ( ) Total N ( ) Isolates N ( ) 17 (42.PMID:25105126 five ) 14 (35 ) 9(22.5 ) 40 (100 ) MDR 11 5 1 17 (42.five ) 0.045 Mono-drug resistance 4 six 3 13 (32.5 ) S two 3 5 ten (25 ) Number of virulence elements 1 0 1 2 3 0.445 two two three 1 6 3 five 1 2 8 four 3 1 0 4 five three five three 11 six four three 1Pearson Chi-square p-valueNote: p-value 0.05 viewed as as a important correlation. Abbreviations:MDR,Multi- rugresistant;S,Susceptiblephenotype. dTA B L E 4 DistributionofESBL,MBL, and carbapenemase genes amongst 40 P. aeruginosa isolates.ESBL Genotypic 16 (40 ) MBL Genotypic 12 (30 ) Carbapenemase Genotypic 16 (40 ) Carba NP 16 (40 ) Phenotypic 12 (30 ) Phenotypic 0 (0 )bla TEM eight (20 ) bla VIM 0 blaOXA-48blaSHV six (15 ) blaIMP 0 blaOXA-23 1 (2/5 )blaCTX-M 15 (37/5 ) blaNDM 12 (30 ) blaOXA-.